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Seville Cathedral: Chapel of St Andrew
Bringing in the Ark of the Convenant

Above the wrought-iron screen closing off the chapel there is a stained-glass window by Arnao de Flandes dating from 1555. It depicts The Last Supper. The inside of the chapel preserves the Gothic sepulchres of Don Alvaro Perez de Guzman, that of his father Don Alfonso, that of his wife Doña Elvira de Ayala and that of a possible son of his. The sepulchres with their reclining sculptures come from a Toledo workshop, date from around 1400 and are ascribed to the sculptor Ferran González.

The reredos of the chapel is modern in the neo-Gothic style. Its sculpture of The Sacred Heart of Jesus was made by Claudio Rius, a Catalan, in 1948.

On the side walls there are two magnificent paintings whichin principle are in the style of Lucas Jordán, but they many be by his disciple Francesco Solimena from Napoles. The left-ham wall has a painting of Bringing in the Ark of the Covenant, and that on the right-hand The Song of Miriam the Prophetess, in which Moses` sister is seen singing in an act of thanksgiving after passing through the Red Sea. She is acconpanied by the women of Israel. These paintings are from around 1700.

In the upper part of the chapel wall there is a painting of The Calvary on the right, which is a copy of an original by the Italian painter Scipion Pulzone from around 1590. On the left there is The Martyrdom of St Andrew, another copy, this time of the original by Juan de Roelas, which is kept in the Fine Arts Museum of Seville.

HISPALIS Net Catedral Puertas Coros

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