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Seville Cathedral: Altar of La Magdalena

Ir stands on the left of the Portal of La Adoracion de los Reyes (=Epiphany) or Los Palos. The patrons of this altar were Don Pedro García de Villadiego and his wife Cartalina Rodríguez, who endowed it in 1537. The paintings of the reredos probably date from around that year and are the work of an anonymous follower of Alejo Fernández. Mary Magdalen at the Feet of the Risen Jesus is the subject in the main section, while the Annunciation occupies the upper part. In the predella of the reredos there is a portrait of Don Pedro García de Villadiego with San Benito and Doña Catalina Rodríguez with St Francis. The wings of the reredos show Santa Catalina with Santa Barbara and St Andrew, St James, St Peter and St Paul.

Above the inside of the Portal of Los Palos there is a stained-glass window representing St Sebastian, which dates from 1535. The Saint´s face is a portrait of Carlos I. Below the stained-glass window there is another painting of St Sebastian on a panel by Antonio de Arfián, probably dating from the middle of the 16C.

HISPALIS Net Catedral Puertas Coros

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