Zonnox Llamadas Internacionales a MONACO
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Seville Cathedral: Chapel of La Inmaculada

Chapel of La Cieguecita

It is closed off by a wrought-iron screen in the Baroque style dating from 1630. Inside, there is a reredos by Juan Martinez Montaņes who began it in 1629. In its centre there is a magnificent sculpture representing La Inmaculada. The Virgin looks serene and inward-looking with an apperance of intense interior peace; her eyes are slightly closed and she is therefore popularly known as La Cieguecita (the little Blind One). At her sides we find representations of St Gregory Pope and St John the baptist together with reliefs of St Joseph, St Joachim and St Francis. The colours of this reredos and the portraits of its patrons, Doņa Jeronima Zamudia and Don Francisco Gutierrez de Molina, are by the painter Francisco Pacheco who completed them in 1631, the year in which the whole complex was finished.

Between this and the next chapel there is a pillar with a sculpture on a console of The Virgin with Child under a baldacchino, which is called the Virgin of Genoa, an Italian work of art probably from around 1370 which used to belong to the brotherhood of the Genoese merchants of Seville.

La Cieguecita by Martinez Montaņes

HISPALIS Net Catedral Puertas Coros

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