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Seville Cathedral: Ante-Chapter-House

From the hall of ornaments one returns again to the Chapel of El Mariscal to enter the Ante-Chapter-House thpugh a portal built by Asensio de Maeda in 1587. Before reaching this room one crosses a small vestibule which was designed by Hernán Ruiz II and built between 1561 and 1563. On the left above the door there are relisfs of Salomon and The Saviour and on the right the reliefs show King David and The Virgin Mary.

A book of Chorals

From the vestibule the Ante-Chapter-House is reached the architectural layout of which is the work of Hernán Ruiz who took part in building it around 1560, but it was concluded by Asensio de Maeda around 1582 and finally became a rectangular room with a caissoned vault. The pictures in this area, which was used by the administration of the church in other times, are designed to emphasize the virtues of the clergy in charge of the church economy.

Thus on the left-hand side there are representations of Justice, Prudence, Fortitude and Providence with reliefs between showing Moses leading the people of Israel, The Punishment of Amon, Moses performing Miracles before the Pharao, The Apocalyp`tic Whore on the Hydra, and The Tower of Babel.

On the left-hand wall there are Piety, Temperance, Hope, Charity and reliefs with The Coming of the Holy Ghost, Wisdom with the Sciences and Arts, Jesus among the doctors, The Vices with Anger and Justice expelling the vices. The front walls show The Four Evangelists, The Animals going into Noah´s Ark and Noah´s offerings after the Flood. There is reason to believe that the sculptural decoration of this room is by the sculptor Diego de Pesquera and dates from between 1575 and 1580. In the display cabinets of the room there is a large collection of choir books and codices dating from between the 15C and the 18C. They include contributions from painters as well as Flemish, Italian and French illuminators. Also noteworthy are different lecterns carved in the middle of the 18C.

HISPALIS Net Catedral Puertas Coros

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